Whole Heart Living

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In 2017 I started out loving others out of my Head but I had a misinformed mind and a broken heart. The love of Jesus’ heart gave me a starting point to reshape my character more towards a 1Cor. 13 heart. Following out His process I would encounter pain when I relied on my own understanding and history.

In AA they taught me not to dwell on my mean history nor shut the door on it. Gradually Jesus and I are dealing with my hurts. I started seeing how out of His love I can do all things is more than just a head thing, it is a heart lifestyle. He is teaching me to fly with the wings He is giving me. Through relationship with Jesus He is instilling peace, contentment, appreciation and Joy in my core identity.

Of the 500+ verses that contain LOVE they are far from being one concept. They describe many facets of a gem that I, as I let them affect me, change and each facet gains new depth.