Double Celebration
The peace that passes understanding surrounds me and all things are in their right place. This gentle repose, which was a rare experience, has become my normal state, not all the time, but enough that it’s inspiring. No more hope deferred, but riding the rising wave of the Holy Spirit.
Increase in the move of God is what I/we have labored in prayer for, countless intercessors warring around the world in villages, towns, cities, countries; on all levels, alone and in numbers. Oh Lord, thou hast heard our cries! Hallelujah! For such a time as this . . .
Last night was our final class on the Life Model book, Living With Men, by E. James Wilder. A good time was had, with joy and faith increased and a growing group identity of a family of believers whose hurts are healing, trust increasing, making way for MORE of Him.
Yes, there are challenges in these changes as we die more to self to grow in Love, but as joy capacity increases the power of our faith increases as well, and we rise up on the wings of eagles . . .
His people are dreaming dreams of freedom and power and walking in love, tender mercies, compassion, and strength. Their hearts and minds set like flint on Abba, on Love, which shatters the darkness, releasing living light in dark places, releasing the captives. Such is the brightness of this season, God’s move because His people cry out. Hallelujah!
Restoring The Foundations (RTF): NW Advance ~ Sept 17th & 18th , 2010
A time of celebration for Noel and I as we received our certificates for Healing House Network level as RTF prayer ministers.
Our journey in this effective and blessed ministry began in 2001 when we attended an RTF conference and were amazed to find an answer to prayer. Chester and Betsy Kylstra had developed a ministry that Cynthia had seen in the prophetic for some years, yet refined in a brilliant way that is one of the trademarks of God’s work through his receptive saints. And the Kylstras were receptive, obedient, disciplined and faithful with the fruit of signs and wonders following.
Through God recently rearranging Noel’s shipping schedule, he was home to attend the NW RTF Advance and receive the blessings that come forth over those who receive the official welcome into the RTF family at the Healing House level of ministry. What a joy it was!
One of the blessings during the days of the conference was the opportunity to provide housing for the recently established directors of Intercession for the Restoring The Foundations ministry: Erna & John Kelley. It was a God/love connection, a gift that will continue to give.
We both received much love and joy being with our people in RTF, those who trained us from the beginning (Danice & Gary Duda & Marilyn & Wayne Gray), and many we have come to love over the years. The NW Advance was a lovely reunion all around.
Time with Chester and Betsy is rare, so it was especially sweet for us to be with them as they shared and taught on the timely knowledge of this season in Christ. Their prophetic views and revelation knowledge of spiritual moves and how they impact our world is insightful, encouraging, and motivating. Our world is richly blessed by the faithful work of these precious people.
At the beginning and end of our days Noel and I are in awe of God’s great love as is stated in John 3:16 ~ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
And what a life, indeed!
Blessing, love, and Joy.