Well, I had my medical update earlier this month and received some corrections, which I needed after testing my wheat allergy for 3 months. The short story is that by taking me through my recent blood tests, as well as my anecdotal information, my Dr. helped me back onto a healthy path.
I admit I enjoyed indulging in pizza, in particular. But, I regained many pounds as well as brain fog moving back in. I was ready to be confronted with the truth: I need to be on a non-wheat/gluten diet that is mostly paleo—fresh organic veggies and grass fed, pastured meats, poultry, and sea food.
I am relieved to be back onto a modified Specific Carbohydrate Diet (which I learned from Breaking The Vicious Cycle—web site by the same name). I have been back on it for only a couple weeks and my body has straightened out, brain fog is leaving, my energy is up, my weight has stabilized.
I am grateful to have an intelligent Dr. who is well educate and skilled in both traditional western medicine and naturopathy. He also co-labors with my regular medical doctor so I benefit from both systems. I am also confident that my wheat/gluten question is settled and I will NOT be eating wheat or gluten for the duration of my life. My daily diet is rich with fresh, certified organic veggies, high quality grass-fed and local lamb, some beef, a lot of chicken—all with very little processing. I am incredibly blessed to be in such great health at my age, which adds to the peace, calm, and joy in my life.
By the way: it is best to be taking supplements under the guidance/direction of health care professionals who have done the proper testing of your system before prescribing anything that might help you with your specific needs. I no longer take any supplements without testing and approval of the appropriate medical specialists.